The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of the LL

The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of the LLD and PTD to reduce Cobb angles and AVR. Experimental testing was performed pre-operatively on 12 surgical scoliosis patients prone on an experimental surgical frame. Postero-anterior radiographs of their spines were taken in the neutral prone position on a surgical frame, and then again for 6 with their legs bent towards the convexity of their lowest structural curve,

4 with their pelvis raised on the convex side of their lowest structural curve and one each in opposite LLD and PTD intended use. Use of the LLD allowed for an average supplementary reduction of 16A degrees (39%) for Cobb angle and 9A degrees (33%) for AVR in the lowest structural curve. Use of the PTD allowed for an average supplementary reduction of 9A degrees (19%) for Cobb angle and 17A degrees (48%) for AVR in the lowest structural Cl-amidine curve. Both devices were most efficient on thoraco-lumbar/lumbar curves. Opposite of intended use resulted in an increase in both Cobb angle and AVR. The LLD and PTD provide interesting novel methods to reduce Cobb angles and AVR through surgical positioning which

can be used to facilitate instrumentation procedures by offering an improved intra-operative geometry of the spine.”
“We have previously reported the development and characterisation of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-functionalised chitosan-Ca-alginate (CTS-Ca-ALG) microparticles (MPs) loaded with acid-resistant particles of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). In the present work, our goal was to evaluate the potential of these carriers for efficient treatment of colon cancer by studying in vitro permeability and cell association of 5-FU and [methyl-H-3]thymidine uptake in Caco-2 cells, as well as in vivo gastrointestinal distribution. The amount of 5-FU permeated through Caco-2 cells was 15.1, 7.7 and 6.5% for 5-FU solution, CTS-Ca-ALG MPs and WGA conjugates. The concentration of 5-FU associated with Caco-2 cells was significantly greater LY3039478 when delivered from MPs. By incorporation of 5-FU into MPs and further decoration

with WGA, an increased [methyl-H-3]thymidine uptake was observed few hours after continuous drug treatment followed by significantly reduced uptake after 6 h. Gastrointestinal distribution was in favour of increased localisation and concentration of the particles in colon region.”
“Alteplase (recombinant tissue plasminogen activator [rt-PA]) label approval by the Food and Drug Administration remarks the contraindication of its use with known intracranial neoplasm because of potential bleeding complications. Despite this concern, the real risk of intracerebral bleeding in patients with intracranial neoplasms treated with rt-PA is unknown, and there are few reports of thrombolysis in patients with brain tumors.

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