On the

other hand, there are studies that have demonstrat

On the

other hand, there are studies that have demonstrated a coexistence of the two entities. One study [12] found that OA did not protect against generalized primary OP. Glowacki et al. found occult osteoporosis and hypovitaminosis D in women with advanced OA [13]. In the Chingford study [14], a similar increase in bone resorption was found in patients with progressive knee OA as in patients with OP. They measured the level of urinary N-terminal and C-terminal, type I collagen telopeptides, both validated markers of bone resorption. A lower bone mineral density has been observed in patients with trochanteric fractures than with cervical fractures [15], and OA may give a trend toward a reduced risk of femoral neck fractures compared to trochanteric femoral fractures [4, 5]. OP is a silent disease until fracture occurs, while OA AZD8055 manufacturer gives a gradual onset Romidepsin datasheet of symptoms. A possible way to study the relation between osteoporosis and osteoarthritis is to assess the presence of osteoarthritis in patients with an osteoporosis-related fracture, such as a hip fracture, and compare patients with a similar trauma, but who did not sustain a fracture. A study with hip contusion patients forming a control group has, to our

knowledge, not been performed previously. We, therefore, wanted to assess differences in the rate of hip OA between hip fracture and hip contusion patients. We also wanted to evaluate cervical and trochanteric femoral fractures in association with OA. Materials and methods We performed a retrospective, case–control study on 461 patients, 349 hip fracture patients (cases) and 112 hip contusion patients (controls). Hip fracture patients admitted from November 2003 to October 2004 were registered prospectively in the hospital’s fracture registry. Four hundred one hip fracture patients were identified. The exclusion criteria were patients aged <50 (n = 31), patients with a fracture in bone with a malignant disease (n = 6), patients with incomplete or missing radiographs (n = 14) and high-energy trauma (n = 1). This left 349 fracture

patients for further analysis. The fractured Methamphetamine hip was classified on the postoperative radiograph. Femoral neck fracture patients operated with arthroplasty (n = 89) were thus not included on the injured side. Preoperative radiographs were not used because they generally were of poor quality, but mainly because an intracapsular hematoma and the displacement of the femoral head in femoral neck fractures could influence the classifications, especially the minimal joint space (MJS). For ten patients, we could not retrieve the anteroposterior (AP) radiographs of the pelvis postoperatively. This left 250 patients with available postoperative radiographs of the fractured hip. Ninety-six of these were femoral neck fractures and 154 were trochanteric fractures. Separate analyses between the fracture types were performed. All 349 patients had interpretable radiographs of the non-injured side.

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