The advantages of photothermal nanoblade compared

The advantages of photothermal nanoblade compared this website to traditional microinjection are that variably-sized particles – from molecules to bacteria – can be efficiently delivered into a wide range of cell types, and cell viability is maintained since physical puncturing does not occur. B. thailandensis was used for these experiments since the instrument is not adapted for use in a BSL-3 environment. B. thailandensis encodes a T3SS apparatus (T3SSBsa) that is highly homologous to

B. pseudomallei T3SS3 and functions in an analogous manner [24, 27]. Its intracellular growth and intercellular spread characteristics are comparable to B. pseudomallei, making it a useful surrogate for studying the Burkholderia intracellular life cycle. We first established that NFκB activation is dependent on B. thailandensis T3SSBsa, as the T3SSBsa mutant ∆bsaS[24] did not markedly activate NFκB at 6 hr. after infection at an MOI of 10:1 (Figure 5A), but did so at 24 hr. using the same MOI (Figure 5B), similar to what was seen with B. pseudomallei (Figure 4A). bsaS encodes the ATPase for T3SSBsa, and B. pseudomallei and B. thailandensis ∆bsaS derivatives have been shown to be deficient in T3SSBsa function, including lower

intracellular replication [24]. PMA and ionomycin treatment served as positive controls NVP-HSP990 for the photothermal nanoblade experiments, and NFκB /293/GFP-Luc cells were used so that NFκB activity could be measured by luciferase activity as well as GFP fluorescence. We were struck by the finding that 6 hr. after photothermal nanoblade delivery of bacteria into the host cell cytosol, both wildtype bacteria (Figure 6A) and the ∆bsaS mutant showed comparable GFP fluorescence and hence, NFκB activation (Figure 6B). Uninfected cells did not produce detectable GFP fluorescence Idoxuridine (data not shown). Similarly, both the wildtype and ∆bsaS mutant bacteria activated NFκB extensively at

24 hr. following nanoblade delivery (Figure 6C, D). Taken together, these results demonstrate that T3SSBsa mutants are able to activate NFκB effectively at early time-points if the need to escape from vacuolar compartments is bypassed by direct delivery of bacteria into the cytosol. Figure 5 B. thailandensis T3SS3 mutants activate NFκB. NFκB/293/GFP-Luc cells were infected with wildtype B. thailandensis (E264), B. thailandensis ∆bsaS mutant or stimulated with PMA and ionomycin for 6 hr (A) and 24 hr (B). Cells were lysed and assayed for luciferase activity. Figure 6 Direct delivery of T3SS3 mutant into the cytosol activates NFκB. NFκB/293/GFP-Luc cells were injected with wildtype B. thailandensis (E264) (A) or B. thailandensis ΔbsaS (B) for 6 hr or 24 hr (C, D). The infected cells were observed under the fluorescence microscope (40x magnification for 6 hr and 10x magnification for 24 hr) to monitor for GFP production as an indication of NFκB activation.

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