Similar analyses were done on other colonies at 4-8 weeks of culture (Table S3) and indicated that the cells went through divisions every ≈3 days such that by 2 months they had gone through ≈18-20 divisions. The biliary tree stem/progenitors were maintained for 4-8 weeks in an undifferentiated state in culture on plastic and in KM resulting in 100% of the cells of colony types 1 and 2 and ≈20%-30% of those in colony type 3 being positive for EpCAM. At the timepoint of transfer to culture conditions other than KM and plastic, the cells in all colony types contained cells strongly expressing markers of stem cells (e.g., CXCR4, SOX9, SOX17, PDX1, CD133) and
negligible levels of expression of genes indicative of mature cells (e.g., albumin, secretin receptor, insulin). The potential adult fates of biliary tree stem/progenitors were realized by passaging Maraviroc equal numbers of them from cultures in KM into one of three distinct differentiation conditions tailored either for liver, bile duct, or pancreatic islets. Each condition was comprised of a serum-free HDM tailored for the adult tissue of interest: HDM-L (hepatocytes), learn more HDM-C (cholangiocytes), and HDM-P (pancreatic islets). For the 2D cultures the cells were plated onto culture plastic and in just
HDM; for the 3D cultures the specific HDM was used in combination with embedding the cells into a mixture of extracellular matrix components also tailored for the desired
adult cell type. Passaging the cells again onto plastic and in KM resulted in self-replication, conditions used as the stem cell (SC) controls. Cells with hepatocyte markers Mannose-binding protein-associated serine protease did not occur in the SC control conditions. The numbers of cells coexpressing CK18 and albumin increased to 36.7% ± 10.4% in 2D (monolayer) cultures in HDM-L (Fig. S9A-C), and present mostly at the periphery of the colony, whereas colony centers consisted primarily of undifferentiated cells (negative for albumin and positive for EpCAM; data not shown). In the HDM-L and embedded into matrix in 3D, cords of cuboidal-shaped cells with ultrastructural and functional features of hepatocytes were observed (Figs. 5, 6, S10) accompanied by significant increases in hepatocyte-specific gene expressions that included early (e.g., HNFα4, AFP, CK8 and 18, and albumin), intermediate or zone 2 (e.g., transferrin, tyrosine aminotransferase [TAT]), and late or zone 3 genes (e.g., P450 3A4) (Fig. 7). The presence of cells expressing markers of cholangiocytes (CK7, secretin receptor [SR], and CFTR) occurred minimally in the SC control conditions with an average of 3.2% ± 2.6% positive cells found in each colony. In cells on plastic and in HDM-C, clusters of cells coexpressing CK7, SR, and CFTR were observed concentrated at the periphery of the colonies and their numbers increased to 49.2% ± 11.1% of the cells/colony (Fig. S9).