Metastases. On average, 470 Canadians with AP23573 Ridaforolimus prostate cancer on aw Chentlichen base diagnosed and 80 Canadian M Men died from the disease every week in 2010.1 These numbers continue to cro Be times over the next few years are a growing number of patients with advanced metastatic disease. The current standard of care biochemical relapse or hormone-dependent-Dependent metastatic prostate cancer is androgen deprivation therapy by medical or surgical castration. In many cases, The progression of metastatic disease in 12 to 24 months first four androgen deprivation.2 occurs in a number of patients with prostate cancer biochemical recurrence and non-metastatic, hormone therapy can follow anf Nglichen androgen deprivation are brought, but the results are far from promising with currently available treatments.
4th February time prostate cancer progresses face castration levels of androgens, hot t it against prostate cancer castration. At this stage of the disease, many patients have rising levels of prostate specific antigen, despite castration levels of androgens. Other h INDICATIVE clinical manifestations bone or lymph node metastases and increasing amounts of pain is secondary R are metastases.4 to bone and soft tissue 5 Behandlungsm Opportunities at this stage of the disease a continuous Dom ne of interest. In April 2010, have shown. Promising results in improving the survival rate of patients with metastatic CRPC Today, not only how hormonal and cytotoxic therapy for patients with metastatic CRPC, but new treatments in most areas and targeted immunotherapies.
In the United States, the FDA has recently approved Sipuleucel s T, cabazitaxel, and denosumab, seen with promising results in clinical trials of hormone therapy and the potential of antagonists of endothelin receptors and tyrosine kinase inhibitors observed, we celebrate the beginning of another era in the treatment of metastatic CRPC. Before April 2010, the treatment scheme in place for those who participated CRPC docetaxel-based chemotherapy. Docetaxel is a cytotoxic agent that falls in a class of drugs called taxanes f. Taxane microtubule activity T block in cell division And finally, with the cancer cell, the F Ability to replicate st Ren. The docetaxel treatment in these patients has been demonstrated in two studies in 2004, the improved survival rate with the use of docetaxel.
The first was the TAX 327 study, in which 1006 patients were divided into 3 groups: one group re U docetaxel every 3 weeks, the other group re U w docetaxel weekly and the latter group re u mitoxantrone, three groups have again u daily doses of low-dose prednisone. This study showed that docetaxel q3w l Ngere survival time with h Heren PSA response was associated and showed superiority implemented embroidered with pain compared to mitoxantrone treatment. Patients again U w Chentliche docetaxel had anything similar reactions to q3w docetaxel group, but there was no significant difference in overall survival between the two treatment groups docetaxel arms.7, 8 The second test was the Southwest Oncology Group study, 99 16. In this study, 770 M men’s been back U is a combination of docetaxel q3w, estramus