To determine packed cell volu the erythrocyte concentrate was centrifuged for 0 min

mM NEA and were grown as monolayers in 5 cm tissue culture sks at 7 ° C in a humidid atmosphere of CO . Medium was changed every second day. At con en the cells were removed from the sk by trypsin/EDTA treatment. For experimen cells were seeded in six-well plates at a concentration of cells/ well and grown to subcon ence. with the symptom score . . Preparation of arti ial nasal id . Materials Vinflunine and methods . Chemicals and Reagents Azelastine “HC Budesonid and dimetindene male-ate were purchased from Sigma ldrich hemie . Amcinonide was obtained from Cyanamid . Fluticasone propionate was a generous gift from GlaxoSmithKline . Nasal glucocorticoid The preparation of arti ial nasal id was performed according to the procedure described earlier . Mucin was dis-persed in PBS and shaken in an ultrasonic bath for a total of h.
Thereaft the homogenous mucin dispersion was centrifuged for 0 min at g at 5 ° C . The supernatant obtained was centrifuged again for 5 min at 0 g at 5 ° C . The protein concen-tration of the Androgen Receptor Antagonists supernatant was determined according to the D. Baumann / European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics 0 method of Smith . In the followi the protein concentra-tion of the mucin dispersion was adjusted with BSA to mg/mL according to total protein levels of human nasal mucus . ANF was adjusted to pH with Na and PBS was adjusted to pH with HCl. ANF and PBS were stored in aliquots at 0 ° C. . Source and handling of human specimen Human lung tissue specimen was obtained from patients from the Thoraxzentrum Unterfranken with bronchial carcinomas scheduled for lobectomy who gave informed consent.
The use of resected human lung tissue was approved by the Ethicsmit-tees of the Medizinische Fakult?¤t of the Eberhard-Karls-Universit?¤t T??bingen and the Universit?¤t W??rzburg. Only cancer-free right atrium tissue was used for the experiments. Tissue samples from patients were pooled for the experiments. None of the patients was treated with glucocorticoids for the last two weeks prior to surgery. Immedi-ately after resecti the tissue was frozen and stored at 0 ° C un-til usage. Tissue was washed in Krebs “Ringer “HEPES buffer and sliced into pieces of approximately mm . Human plasma and erythrocyte concentrate were obtained from the Department of Transfusion Medicine and Immune Haematolo W??rzbu Germany.
Plasma samples from at least three patients were pool shock frozen in liquid nitrog and stored at 0 ° C until usage. Erythrocyte concentrate was stored at ° C. To determine packed cell volu the erythrocyte concentrate was centrifuged for 0 min at 0 g at ° C. The volume of the supernatant was specid to adjust whole blood with a hematocrit Fig Schematic illustration of the tissue gel experiments: l L of a mixture of the drug formulation with arti ial nasal id was applied on the gel surface and incubated for 0 min at 7 ° C. Washing procedure with PBS using a custom-made perforated Te?on support for the gel. Transfer of the washed gel into a fresh ground-joint glass dish. Desorption of drugs from the tissue gel into human plasma and drawing of samples of mL while replacing the volume with fresh pre-warmed plasma. of 0. washed gel was transferred into a fresh glass dish . Wash . Preparation of polyacrylamide-tissue gel The polyacrylamide gel consisted .

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