We intersected our assessment of forest restoration need with forest ownership and management allocations spatial data compiled by Halofsky et al. (in press). We considered six ownership categories (US Forest Service, US Bureau of Land Management, State, Other Public, Tribal, Private), and three levels of forest management intensity (Restricted, Limited, General). Restricted management includes forests where mechanical treatments are typically not allowed, MEK inhibitor drugs such as Wilderness Areas, National Parks, Inventory Roadless Areas,
and Research Natural Areas. Limited management includes forests in which mechanical treatments may be allowed with certain limitations, such as late successional reserves. General management refers to lands where mechanical treatments are allowed. We used an “equal distribution” approach to determine restoration need by forest ownership and management designation at the level of map zones. Our restoration need calculations provide the percentage of total hectares for each present day sub-strata (landscape unit × biophysical setting × s-class) selleck chemical currently “in need” of disturbance and/or successional restoration. We also determined for each present day
sub-strata the number of hectares within each ownership × management designation category. We then made the assumption that the overall percentage of a sub-strata in need of each restoration need transition applied equally across ownership × management designation categories. Consequently, we calculated the number of hectares in need of each restoration need transition for each ownership × management designation × sub-strata. Finally, we summed these values to total active and growth restoration need per ownership and management designation category per map zone. Y-27632 2HCl We recognize in some areas with mixed federal and private lands (e.g., checkerboard ownership configurations), a more generalized
and variable allocation of restoration needs by landowners could emerge. We found that approximately 41% (4,742,000 ha) of all coniferous forest in eastern Washington and eastern and southwestern Oregon was in need of a transition to a different s-class in order to restore forest structure to a NRV reference condition (Table 3, Fig. 4 and Fig. 5). Across these regions Disturbance then Succession was the most common restoration need category (20% of all forests, 5,678,000 ha) followed by Disturbance Only (14%, 3,920,000 ha) and Succession Only (7%, 2,120,000 ha; Table 3). On the largest individual ownership, the US Forest Service, approximately 38% (2,412,000 ha) of coniferous forests was in need of transition to a different s-class. Only (16%) of the overall restoration needs and 14% of the Disturbance Only plus Disturbance then Succession restoration needs on US Forest Service lands were within Restricted management areas.