Eived micro-SPECT / CT imaging 72 hours after intravenous Water injection. CT and SPECT images were acquired, submit your manuscript | International Journal of Nanomedicine 2011:6 dovepress Dovepress Dovepress GSK690693 937174-76-0 2610 Tsai et al using a micro-SPECT / CT scanner. SPECT images were centered with a cylindrical hole collimator, with the center of the field on the abdomen of each mouse. The turning radius was 1 cm with a FOV of 1.37 cm. Imaging was with 64 projections at 60 seconds per projection. SPECT imaging was followed by the acquisition of CT images. The software with the X-SPECT / CT scanner made available for reconstruction, the SPECT and CT images, including normal image fusion SPECT / CT is used. SPECT images were reconstructed to Image size S to produce 56 � 6 � 6 pixels with a Bildaufl Solution of 1.
2 mm. CT images were also used in the Image size S reconstructed from 512 � 12 � 0.15 mm with 12 pixels of image resolution and high. Wbar methods described above. The Mice were sacrificed by CO2 euthanasia at 72 hours after the micro-SPECT / CT imaging, and were immediately immersed in liquid nitrogen. The frozen Andarine 401900-40-1 carcasses were then embedded with 2.5% carboxymethyl cellulose and carboxymethyl ice block to the plate fixed in the sample chamber was. After a standing time of 2 hours, the frozen sample was then cut using a cryomicrotome at 20 . These samples were brought into contact with an optical disk for 5 days. After termination of exposure, the imaging plate with a FLA-5100 reader and Multi Gauge V 3.0 software were analyzed.
Absorbed radiation dose calculations, the average absorbed doses in humans SECT COLUMNS able to k, The method of relative organ weight scaling was used. The mean absorbed dose in various tissues selected is just increments derived from the radionuclide concentration in the tissues or organs of interest, assume that a homogeneous distribution of the radionuclide in a source area. The calculated average% IA / g for organs of mice, the M absorption in the organs of a 70 kg adult was extrapolated using the formula: Uman Uman. EXM | The extrapolated values of human organs 1, 4, 16, 24, 48 and 72 hours with exponential biokinetic models were built and integrated to the number of decays ll in the source organs to obtain this information in OLINDA entered program.
Integrals of 14 organs confinement Lich in the content of the heart, brain, muscle, bone, heart, lung, testis, spleen, pancreas, kidney, liver, stomach, small intestine, the colon hail and the rest of the K Rpers were evaluated and the evaluation of dosimetry. For the study, the excretion Mice in metabolic K Provisional and urine and feces were kept collected at various time points. The cumulative excretion was calculated as% ID. All feces and urine may need during the study period were collected, COLUMNS by the proportion and the biological half-life of elimination to beautiful. Cumulative excretion curves were fitted 0-168 hours with a function of the form: m � �� � with SigmaPlot software. ICRP 30 Model and GI Model bladder emptying in Olinda | EXM were used to sch COLUMNS to the number of decays ll that occur in the excretory organs.
For gastrointestinal excretion, the fraction entering the small intestine in the model module IM was entered. For the excretion of the bubble, the fraction from the bladder and the biological half-life in the model of the bladder has been established. The activity injected t in the rest of the K Rpers than the total activity t less total precipitation at any time and activity T rated in all organs defined individuals. This activity was t accepted, even weight distribution Remaind strength in the